Trip to the Belfast Royal

As you all know the Wonderful Wednesday Woman have been making cushions for the Cardiac Unit at Belfast Royal Hospital for over 12 months now.  We are, at last, going to take a trip to the hospital and see for ourselves where they go and how they are used.  We are going to meet the nurses and possibly some consultants and learn first hand how the cushions help the recovery of the patients.  It is being funded by the hospital and we are all looking forward to it immensely.

I know that a lot of people do a lot of things for charity  and don’t expect any thanks but it is nice sometimes to have some sort of recognition.  The Wednesday Ladies have been knitting and raising money for charity for over 45 years and this is the first time they will be officially thanked for their efforts.  We are also featured in this months Inside Crochet under the title of “Shops we Love” so fame at last!!

Shops We Love

Fame at Last!!  Issue 53 of Inside Crochet features Grandma’s Attic as the “Shop we Love”.  Recognition for all the hard work the Wednesday Women do for charity.  (more about this in a separate blog).  Some fabulous patterns in this months issue too, so don’t be slow go out and buy a copy!!2014-04-17 12.00.44

There is a fab crochet pattern for a cake cover that is stiffened with sugar and water.  Perfect for al fresco lunches in the summer sun, or lush summer camping trips.  I am going to have a go and will post my creation!!

I have several unfinished projects on the go at the moment so I am going to make an effort to finish them all before the end of April!!  Wish me luck…